Cow Facts 2
Cows are grazers, so be sure your yard is policed constantly to prevent them from ingesting a foreign body.
It’s important to have cows on an up-to-date deworming schedule because they are susceptible to gastro-intestinal (GI) parasites, especially when they are young.
Cows are prone to pneumonia and diarrhea, so vaccines are important for prevention. Although, some illnesses can be treated with antibiotics, deworming, surgical procedures, and diet change.
Mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands) is common in cows that are raised to be heavy milk producers.
Their average lifespan is 18-22 years, but many don’t live that long because they’re used for production.
Unless you’re raising a bull for the purpose of breeding, it is recommended to castrate males between 2-6 months old.
Did You Know: Cows are pregnant roughly the same amount of time as a human woman?
As always, doing your research and developing a relationship with a vet who has experience will help you keep your animal in tip-top shape.