Breeding (Dogs)
Should I breed? What breed should I choose?
If you are trying to decide whether to breed your current pet or select a new canine to welcome to your family, let me tell you a little bit about the benefits of it all!
If you are someone who needs, wants, or prefers a specific breed of dog, breeding will allow what you desire to be perpetuated in the world. Maybe you recall your childhood pet that brought you much joy, and you want to choose a particular breed for nostalgic purposes. One of the benefits of breeding is that it allows you to get what you want. There may be a breed you are used to, once had an emotional attachment to, or just find appealing. It’s been thought that people may even live happier lives having a breed they love and are familiar with.
Now, of course, there is nothing wrong with a mixed breed. But, if you need a specific gene pool to fulfill a certain job such as hunting, protection, drug sniffing, or for service needs, breeding allows your need to be met, without deviation. Of course, animals in shelters deserve homes, too. So, that may work best for you.
Another benefit is you will know ahead of time what you’re getting. It’s wise to breed for good genetics, knowing that you can reduce the chances for disease and other problems that could occur in natural selection.
You may wonder if the breed you desire is more prone to certain illnesses or whether its temperament is mild as opposed to feisty. Before making any decisions, have a discussion with your vet to make sure you have all the answers you need about the process, advantages, and disadvantages.
Now, if you are thinking about breeding your pet. It is a personal choice that should be made for the right decisions. It is not for everyone, however. It is for those who will do it correctly, with pride, and for particular reasons. Cy-Fair is here to assist you in the best way possible to ensure breeding is done properly and that it is in the best interest of the animal.
Several health checks and screenings are involved to determine whether a particular breed should be bred. As a full-service animal hospital, we do preliminary testing for it, perform artificial inseminations, and c-sections. We evaluate semen under a microscope to ensure there are no preexisting conditions. Phenotypes and genotypes are evaluated because we want to avoid bad genetics to reduce the potential of offspring inheriting traits that could cause diseases and illnesses. And, although we’re discussing canines, we still must actually test to make sure there are no STDs in both the male and female.
Cy-Fair now has in-house progesterone machines that increase ability to predict optimal breeding time. We are available to guide you through this breeding journey. We want you to be a responsible breeder and make well-informed decisions. So, we are here to provide answers to any questions you may have, 7 days per week.