Summer Care for Dogs
As the temperatures rise, it’s important to take extra precautions to keep your dog safe. Here are some essential summer care tips to keep dogs comfortable, hydrated, and healthy.
Cutting Your Dog’s Hair in the Summer
During the hot summer months, it’s common to wonder if cutting your dog’s hair will help them stay cool. For fluffy breeds like Huskies, shaving them down can be beneficial. Their thick fur traps heat and moisture, making them uncomfortable in the heat. However, slick-coated breeds like Pit Bulls and Chihuahuas do not need shaving. Their short fur is sufficient for temperature regulation.
Protecting Slick Breeds’ Skin
Slick breeds, however, don’t have as much fur to protect them from the sun, which makes them more susceptible to sunburn and skin cancer. Naked breeds, like naked Frenchies, are particularly at risk. For these pets, apply a protective layer of coconut oil to hydrate their skin. You might also consider using a light doggie t-shirt to protect them from UV rays.
Walking Dogs in the Heat
Heat stroke is a severe risk for dogs in the summer, especially for brachycephalic breeds like Bulldogs and Frenchies. These dogs have smushed noses and larger heads, making it harder for them to breathe in the heat. To prevent heat stroke, limit your pup’s outdoor time to a maximum of 5 minutes, and avoid walking them during the hottest parts of the day.
Hot pavement can burn your dog’s paws. A simple test to determine whether the pavement is too warm for your pet’s feet is to place your bare feet on the ground. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog. Walk your pets during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening, to protect their paws from burns.
It’s important to never leave your pet in a parked car in the summer. Even with the windows down, the inside temperature can quickly become dangerous. If you must take your pet along for a ride, ensure the air conditioning is on to keep them cool. (Ideally, avoid leaving them in the car altogether.)
Dietary Changes in the Summer
Your dog can eat the same food year-round, but hydration is crucial during summer. Providing fresh, cold water multiple times a day can keep them refreshed.
An old trick I’ve learned to help furry dogs with their undercoat is to add a cap full of olive oil to their food to reduce shedding and keep their skin and fur healthy. Be sure to also reduce shedding by brushing your dog regularly.
Ensuring your dogs receive extra care during the summer is crucial for their health and comfort.Regular grooming, hydration, and protective measures can help your pets enjoy the season safely. Please schedule an appointment with our veterinarians for more tips and professional advice.