Cy-Fair Animal Hospital

How to Engage with Your Cat During the Pandemic

How important is engagement?

It is very important to engage with your cat, especially while social distancing during the pandemic. Cats like to play around, although some like to lay and graze. In an effort to prevent obesity in your cat and exhibit love and care, engagement is a great way to implement exercise and play time.

Is your cat even interested in playing?

Some cats enjoy a lot of attention. Others are more of the loner-type and want less engagement. Pay attention to your cat’s personality to determine the best way to interact. If your cat is younger, you could help shape their personality to be more friendly and interactive. Older cats can be coaxed out of their loner behavior over time.

Activities you can use to interact and play with your cat at home include:

Be careful to not involve strings when playing games with your feline friend! If they mistakenly swallow the strings, it could cause pain and/or bodily harm.

It is also possible for a cat to get COVID-19. Whether or not they can pass it to their owner is not as well known. But if you or a housemate has been exposed to the virus, it is advised that you quarantine  from your cat as well.