6 Ways to Keep Your Pets Safe this Halloween

6 Ways to Keep Your Pets Safe this Halloween

15:17 25 October in Blog

Halloween can be fun to decorate your home, dress up your pet, and entertain trick-or-treaters. However, it comes with a few spooky dangers for your pets. Here are some things to look out for when celebrating Halloween with your furry, slimy, or scally Boo.

  1. Keep your pet secured inside your home.
    If you are entertaining trick-or-treaters, be sure to keep your pet safely secured in your home. If they are social and want to greet your spooky guests, keep them secure nearby so they can see the action. Constantly opening and closing your front door can allow some animals to run outside, putting them in danger.
  2. Help your anxious pets by keeping them in areas away from noise and activity.
    If your pet is not in the mood for visitors, consider keeping them in an area of the home that allows them some peace and quiet. If your pet experiences fear/anxiety during Halloween, speak to your veterinarian about calming/sedatives that can be used during this time.
  3. Keep your pets away from candy, and be especially careful when disposing of candy wrappers.
    The colorful wrappers may interest your curious pet, but some candy wrappers may contain xylitol, a sugar-free ingredient, which can be especially harmful to your furry companions. Even healthier alternatives like grapes and raisins can be detrimental, so only let your pets have treats specifically made for them. Remember chocolate is toxic to dogs and the effects can appear weeks after ingestion. If you are worried your pet ingested something poisonous please contact poison control immediately.
  4. Keep glow sticks out of reach.
    Glow sticks have become popular additions to costumes and ensembles. These fluorescent accents draw attention from both humans and pets; specifically cats. Watch your feline friends around these accessories because if they chew them, the glass vial inside the glow stick may cause severe damage.
  5. You may want to skip the costumes.
    If your pet resists getting dressed up, you may want to scale down their costume to a festive bandana. If they don’t mind wearing pet clothes, try their costume on a few days ahead of time to make sure they are comfortable. Be mindful of bells and buttons because they can be dangerous if swallowed.
  6. Keep your decor pet-friendly.
    If you are decorating with candy, keep it out of reach of pets or in areas where your pets do not frequent. If you plan to use those cute little tombstones or pumpkins in your terrariums be sure they are reptile-safe and won’t melt under heating lamps.

At Cy-Fair Animal Hospital, your pet’s health and safety are our top concern. If your pet has a scary reaction to your festivities our vets are here to help.

Happy Halloween from your Cy-Fair Animal Hospital team!

Dr. Johneisha Motley

Dr. Johneisha Motley

Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, Dr. Johneisha Motley developed her dreams to become a veterinarian after losing her dad in 2003. As daddy's little girl, Dr. Motley would say her passion stemmed from the depression she experienced after his untimely death and the joy she received after owning her first pet. Through the emotional support of pets, Dr. Motley discovered her calling to become a hero to those that once helped save her.